There are countless reasons you may be denied your benefits for Social Security Disability in Illinois. Some issues you’re certainly aware of, such as your medical state not qualifying as dire enough, your income exceeding the mandatory limits, not keeping up with your pre-determined treatment plan – or properly documenting any of the above.

But did you know that moving can adversely affect your eligibility for Social Security Disability in Illinois?

That’s right: if the Social Security Administration and Disability Determination Service cannot find your whereabouts, they will not be able to begin sending you benefit checks.

Though it may sound silly, it’s actually one of the biggest reasons for either a denial Social Security Disability in Illinois application or a disruption in funding for an already approved case. It happens all the time.

If the office cannot find you, it will not risk sending a check to a mailbox that may be cashed by someone that isn’t you. It simply will stop sending, or deny you altogether.

You should probably have already contacted an attorney to handle your Social Security in Illinois application and related matters. But if you haven’t, this may prove one of the biggest benefits of doing so, seeing as a licensed legal professional will be able to help you contact the proper offices as promptly as possible to have the matter resolved fast.

If you have moved recently, and have either been seemingly inexplicably denied a claim or have noticed a stoppage in pre-approved disability checks, do not hesitate to contact the services of an attorney to at the very least eliminate this as a possibility.

You should know, it is commonplace for such attorneys to collect only once you’ve won your claim. If you think this applies, you should absolutely pick up the phone.

Filing for Social Security benefits can be absolutely frustrating. Not only do you face an unclear future, but you’re also forced to deal with the changing circumstances brought to your life because of your disability. All the while, you’re out of work and unable to provide a decent living for your family.

If you have an approved claim for Social Security in Las Vegas, then you likely feel relieved. But that relief will be washed away when you learn that there’s a five-month waiting period before you’ll ever receive your first benefit payment.

Bypassing the Waiting Period for Social Security in Las Vegas

There are, however, several circumstances in which this waiting period can be shortened, or skipped all together. One is especially reserved for those who once received benefits, returned to the workforce, and then became disabled again, so long as it has been less than five years since you’ve received your last benefit. This is known as a “reinstatement” exception. It exists to encourage those who feel they’re ready to go back to work to give it a try without the fear of losing their benefits.

Another is reserved for benefits for your dependent children. There is absolutely no wait time for disabled workers applying on behalf of their children. The third type is Supplemental Security Income. It is a means-based benefit provided to those with minimal assets and extremely low incomes. Because of this, it is seen as a form of relief and provided immediately.

If you’re thinking about filing for Social Security Las Vegas, then you should speak to a lawyer promptly. While they can’t do anything to shorten the five month wait time, they can explain how a protective filing date can help you obtain the maximum amount of benefits you rightfully deserve.